Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Today my husband and I have been married for three years!  Where did the time go?!  Oh wait I's a three year recap.

1st Year
-Bill is in Midland/Odessa working in the dry, dusty, land of oil and for him building a huge building for Hunt.
-I'm in Kingston, teaching away in our new PLUS program loving my job, but missing my man.
-October brought fun, unexpected, shocking news.  We're pregnant!  Bill moved into a new apartment while I battled some gnarly morning sickness.
-December, our first Christmas, juggling family and long distance.
-January, teeny tiny baby bump, felt Billy move for the first time.
-March, I made the LOOOOONG drive to Midland for Spring Break, B I G pregnant and with three dogs. 
-April, Put on bed rest for exhaustion.
-May, Uncomfortable pregnant, worried that Bill wouldn't make it home in time for Billy. End of May sweet Billy arrives and multiplies our love by infinity.
-June, 1st Anniversary

2nd Year
-We take our first family vacation to Port Aransas with friends.  It was the best time and I can't wait to take Billy back.  He was only six weeks old when we went.
-Bill worked in Midland/Odessa for another few months before being transferred to Dallas, and shortly after accepting a new job.
-More moving Bill....I HATE moving by the way.
-Many firsts with much fun.
-Bill continues to work in Dallas and we see him every weekend instead of every other!
-Billy meets Nonnie and has the best time with her while I continue to teach reading for the PLUS program at KES.
-We take our first mommy/daddy only trip to Las Vegas.  We were only gone three days but it seemed like forever.  We couldn't wait to see our boy.
-Billy's first Christmas.
-Billy's first birthday.  Race Car themed of course!
-Billy started walking.  Look out!
-June, 2nd Anniversary

3rd Year
-We spend a lot of time together at our Dallas apartment that summer.  Billy "swam" in the pool at that complex for the first time.  He HATED the waterfall.
-School started back and I loved my job and the team I was with.  It's going to be hard to leave them this year.
-Billy continued to hang with Nonnie and made new friends.
-Bill gave up the apartment and moved in with his mom to save money.
-Billy's second Christmas.  Boy was he more excited this year!
-I started eating better and sweating more.  Grandpa Bill got to spend more time with Billy while I was at the gym.
-Billy starts calling Nana, Nina, and Grammie, much for picking your own grandma names!
-Billy is baptized!
-Bill continued to apply to new places so we could be closer together.  In April we FINALLY got our wish!
-We moved to Moore, just in time for tornado season.
-We're together under one(ish) roof.  We still have our lake home.
-June, 3rd Anniversary

My life would be not be so full of love and life without my Billys.  We're so fortunate to have all that we do.  The most important, and best part is that we have each other.  Love ya babe.

I'm out!
Mrs. T

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