Friday, July 19, 2013

Five on Friday!

Hey y'all!  I'm linking up with Darci for another installment of Five on Friday!  I love this link up and I just love Darci's blog, The Good Life.  Please do yourself a favor and check out her little family, fabulous style, and all her sweetness.

Now on to the goodies.

I'm so excited to meet some of my favorite bloggers tonight.  I'm nervous about it too.  It feels a little awkward because I know so much about them from their blogs and they know next to nothing about me.  I'm sure it will be a fun time!  How could it not be with Holly, Becka, Brandi, and Megan?!  Weird.  I just called them by their REAL names!
My son needs an iPad intervention.  He LOVES to watch Netflix.  His favorites are Curious George and Thomas and Friends. I know watching it constantly is not good for him.  So I need to stage an intervention.  I truly think this is more for me than for him.  I guess I should just set a time limit, and when it's over, it's over.  Power through the fit and toddler rage aftermath.  This will be fun.

My sister sent me a picture of this necklace this morning.  Earlier in the week I sent her a picture of a Celtic symbol for a future tattoo.  We've been tossing around the sister tattoo idea for years.  I think we found a winner!  We also decided to have a sister anniversary day.  Our actual day would be her birthday since that was the technical first day we became sisters.  But it would be no fun to steal the thunder from her special day.  So we picked a day between our half birthdays (our birthdays are a week apart)  April 28 is the day!  I think it's a fun idea to celebrate each other!

I've been working hard to get my new classroom ready.  I'm so pleased with how it's turning out.  I'll have to do an entire post on it later.  Here is a preview of what I did yesterday.

I took full advantage of Billy starting daycare.  I've been able to work, uninterrupted, in my classroom and have some much needed "me" time.  This is something I did just for myself this week.  I found a nail salon that does nexgen nails and I'm sold!  Odorless, light, fast, and beautiful.  Thanks for the tip Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg!

Join the fun!  What's your Five on Friday?  How do you celebrate your siblings? 
I'm out!
Mrs. T


  1. Ok, first of all, totally jealous of you for getting to meet those super amazing ladies this weekend!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

    Second, I LOVE the idea of a "Sister Anniversary"!! I might have to borrow that idea for me and my sister! :)

    And third, your nexgen nails just sold me...I've gotta find a salon that does that around here, now!!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! You'll love the nails! Promise.

  2. Your classroom looks great. What grade do you teach? I have taught a variety of age groups, but currently am not working because of a car accident. Definitely ready to get back at it though.

    1. Thank you! I've been teaching 2nd. This year I'm in a new city/school/role. I'm the Title I Reading Specialist this year and I'll work with 1st-3rd graders.
