Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Baby, It's COLD outside!

As you ALL know by now I'm sure, I have lived to tell the tale of the ICEpocolypse of 2013.

It was cold, it was fun, and it came with a FIVE day weekend!

Last week we all kept hearing about this snowy/icy/winter storm that was headed our way and set to blast over a several day period.  As Wednesday afternoon was approaching, many of my Kingston peeps were taking to the social media proclaiming from the mountain tops that their school had been cancelled for Thursday and Friday.  Of course I immediately felt hopeful that ours would be cancelled too, I mean c'mon, I live two hours NORTH of them, NORTH, it's supposed to be colder here, right?

As Wednesday afternoon turned into evening and then into night, I was slapped with the hard cold reality that I would have to bundle up and head to work Thursday morning.  I'm not going to lie.  I was bitter.

Thursday morning was cold, but it was dry and there really wasn't a reason for school to be cancelled here.  So on my not so merry way I went.

Around one-ish I started to hear a "tink, tink, tink" on my classroom window.  I threw open the curtain, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a minature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer little bit of sleet.  Giddy as I was, the kids were cray-zee.  For real.  In the next hour we had snowflakes and a nice collection starting on the ground.  Kids were being called to the office in droves for early checkout.  It.was.glorious.  Before we left at 3:30 school had been cancelled for Friday.  Yipee!

The next three days were filled with cooking, napping, a little cleaning, and lots of snuggles.  I sure do enjoy time off with my family.

Sunday we ventured out of our home to relieve our cabin fever and so Bill and I would still be happily married.  Billy got to meet up with Mr. Claus at Bass Pro, while we tried to keep any toddler tantrums at bay.  It never fails that we plan trips like these during lunch and/or naptime.  We really should work on that.

Santa was a jolly as ever, Billy didn't cry this year, and the only meltdown he had was when we had to checkout and leave.  Progress, not perfection.

Here is a side-by-side of all his Santa photos. Boy has he grown!

Since we were able to get out on Sunday I was mentally preparing myself for the return to work.  While we were finishing up some shopping I got the call that we would be out Monday.  Happy dance!  Bill was shocked at my change in mood.  I had a sudden burst of energy and felt like I could stay out all night.  We didn't of course, but I felt great.

Monday came and went.  I did some laundry, played with Billy and ate and ate some more.  (If you notice by this time I haven't mentioned running, at all, for three days.)  I'm pretty sure I gained about five pounds.

Monday afternoon I got "the call" again.  No school Tuesday. :)  Holla!  I was glad to have another day home with Billy, but I was really starting to miss my kiddos at school and my routine.

Tuesday was pretty much the same as Monday.  More eating, more cleaning, more playing, but I finally got out to the gym and ran.

Running now feels so much better since I've given myself permission to listen to how my body feels and walk when I need to.  I've tried the 30s walk-30s run, that works.  Last night I tried to stick with the 1-1:30 m run and 30s-60s walk.  This worked well for me.  I ran on the treadmill near the weights so Bill and I could flirt.  Not really, it seemed better than running on the crowded track with all the track stars.  Running is a head game for sure, and those super runners really mess with me.  I know I need to get the heck over that.

I ran until Bill was finished and here are my results.

Not too shabby!


Random mind dump...
...Bill's 31st Birthday is tomorrow and his gift hasn't arrived via snail mail.
...There are only 9 school days left until Christmas Break...Whoop!
...There are only 9 school days left and I haven't even started benchmark tests...yikes!
...I miss my little man today.
...Shout out to Fat Free French Vanilla creamer today!  Thanks for your support and making my coffee super yummy.
...Students are being taken on limo ride lunch rewards today and I want to go too!
...I must find out about this "Cards Against Humanity Game".
...The Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon registration is $20 off tomorrow.  Sweet!
...Nutcracker Ballet is coming up!
...I cut my hand yesterday and don't remember when/where/how.  My hand looks 70 years old today.
...My phone screen is still cracked.  I need to get that fixed.
...The elf on the shelf is just that.  An elf on our shelf.  Billy is like "talk to the hand".  Not interested at all.
...I still have a bajillion gifts to buy, and wrap, and place strategically under our tree so it looks all cute.


Happy Hump Day!

I'm out!

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