Sunday, March 30, 2014

The plan...

I took a week "off" to rest and regroup. 

Billy ended up with a tummy bug, then he passed it to me.  Another joy of motherhood!

I was pretty sore Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday I felt better.  Thursday was full of work and travel, but Friday I hopped back on the treadmill and did a leg workout.  It felt good to be back in the gym.

Saturday I was scheduled for a 6 mile "long" run.  I didn't do it.  I should have gotten up early and got it in, but I didn't.  We went to a car show, visited with family, took a nap, and had dinner with friends.  Saturday night the tummy bug attacked me.  So, instead of getting my procrastinated run in Sunday morning, I puked and slept.  I feel much better now.

I wonder if anyone else that runs gets to their race, feels awesome, finishes, and then puts their running shoes on the shelf for a while?

I did for almost a week, and now I can't.  My next race is just four weeks away and I need a plan.  That's what helped me stay on track and motivated last time.

So here's the plan for this next week.

Monday-6 mile make up run
Tuesday-lower body weight lifting
Wednesday-3 mile easy jog/ upper body weight lifting
Thursday-4 mile run
Friday-cross train (Jillian Michaels video most likely)
Saturday-8 mile long run
Sunday-Rest/Stretch/Foam Roll

I hope you all have a great week!

I'm out!
Mrs. T

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