Wednesday, January 15, 2014

These are my confessions...

I'm about to be one Negative Nancy. So leave now if you're not down for a gripe fest.

In the last two weeks there have been so many things that have gone right in my life.  I've stuck with my fitness plan, our house has remained fairly clean, and work has been great. 

That being said, I should've seen this coming. You know when things are going too great, the bottom is about to fall out.

I'm not going to go into great detail because my frustrations stem from an enormous workload and I don't want to say anything I'll later regret. (I'm so glad I learned that lesson in my early years.) 

What I will say is this...I'm not a miracle worker. I can do awesome stuff, but taking a child THREE grade levels behind to on grade level mastery in 4 months is asking a lot. People that don't work in education shouldn't make laws about it.  Planning meetings, parent events, ordering materials and preparing for an audit make for a full plate.  When will I teach?! 

I know it will pass. I will accomplish what I can when I can, but I'm not a fan of the stress.

I'm off to start my to do list. In June I'll be poolside. For real.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Half Marathon Training Update

The Dallas Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon is March 23.  That's only 78 days away people.  SEVENTY-EIGHT!!!

No need to panic though.  I have a plan.

Last week I started my training.  Ironically, I decided to kick it in gear Christmas Day.  Who decides to start their half training on a major holiday? You can see below how well that went!

25-3mile Run + Strength/Nada...aka rest...aka stuff my face
26-Rest-Foam Roll/Who needs to rest and foam roll after eating ham and potatoes?  I ran 3.26 miles.
27-30 min cross train or easy run/ Rest and foam roll...mama was sore.
28-4 miles long run/Mind games, and I lost.  Nada today.  Rest, played with Billy and went fishing.
29-Stretch and Strengthen/Walked the outlet mall on a day date with my man.
30-3mile Run/2.61 miles...I ran from the park to Grandma's house.
31-2mile Run/Chased Billy for about an hour.  Gosh his energy is endless!
1-New Years Day Virtual 5K/ 3.14 miles on the treadmill. :)  It felt good!
2-Rest/ 2ish miles on the treadmill...started the Jillian Michaels DVD Challenge...Ripped in 30
3-30 min cross train/Bench press, light walking and biking, JM DVD Challenge...Ripped in 30
4-4 miles long run + JM/4.4 miles using the run-walk-run method and JM Ripped in 30

I think having a plan, and sticking to it, or as close to it as you can, is what's important.

Goals for this week...
-clean up diet, duh.
-follow the plan
-go to bed early (try, Amy, try)

If you're interested in joining the Jillian Michaels Challenge, head over to Holly's Blog for the details.  It's been a great motivator for me!

Also, a special shout out to Valerie!  Thanks for the inspiring emails!  If you want in on that check out her blog.

See you soon!

I'm out!
Mrs. T